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The Practice to Visit
for Emsculpt & Emtone
in Jackson, Tennessee
As a Registered Nurse, Patti Yellen brings her skills and expertise in performing skincare treatments to all our patients. Patti brings over 40 years of nursing experience to The Plastic Surgery Clinic of Jackson. She received her Bachelor of Science from Hunter-Belluve School of Nursing in New York City. She followed this with 15 years at Lennox Hill Hospital in both the Intensive Care Unit and The Cardiac Cath Lab. This is also where she met Dr. Yellen as he was completing his 5 year general surgery residency.
At the Plastic Surgery Clinic of Jackson, we offer non-surgical skincare treatments that leave your skin feeling more youthful and radiant.

How Does Emsculpt Work?
The non-invasive procedure induces powerful muscle contractions not achievable through voluntary contractions.
When exposed to strong contractions, the muscle tissue is forced to adapt to such extreme conditions. It responds with a deep remodeling of its inner structure that results in muscle building and sculpting your body.
The treatment time is 30 minutes with a minimum of 4 sessions scheduled 2-3 days apart. We will help you create a treatment plan tailored to your specific goals. The Emsculpt procedure feels like an intensive workout. You can lay down and relax during the treatment. Emsculpt is non-invasive and requires no recovery time or any pre/post treatment preparation.
You will begin to feel tangible results right after the treatment. Positive results are usually reported two to four weeks after the last session and continue to improve for several weeks following the treatments.
What is Emtone?
Emtone combines several state-of-the-art technologies to provide stunning, long-lasting results. It is the only cellulite treatment that uses both thermal energy and mechanical energy to treat multiple causes of cellulite while improving skin tone and texture. This treatment is non-invasive, has no downtime, and requires no anesthesia during treatment.
Emtone is a safe and effective treatment option for all skin and body types.

How Does Emtone Work?
During treatment, the warmth of the radiofrequency energy and targeted pressure stimulation increase circulation and collagen production to the area to improve skin elasticity allowing for a more uniform texture and appearance. Once your treatment is complete, you can immediately return to work and normal activities without any lingering side effects.
Some patients do report seeing results with a single treatment session with results continuing to improve over the next few months as increased circulation and collagen production rejuvenate your skin’s appearance.
Treatment can be conducted anywhere on the body including:
•Love handles
What To Expect
During your initial consultation, we will work with you to design an individualized treatment plan that may require a series of treatments scheduled a week or two apart depending on your desired goals. Before treatment, an ointment is applied to protect the skin and help guide the handpiece gently across your skin. During treatment, you may hear a soft tapping sound from the targeted pressure energy and feel a slight warming sensation. At no point should the handpiece feel hot, most patients compare the treatment to a hot stone massage.
A single Emtone treatment generally takes no longer than 30 minutes but will depend on the area being treated.